Look for green dots on the left side of your dashboard under the list of studios available - YabbaDabbaDooo!
Let’s see what happens!
Look for green dots on the left side of your dashboard under the list of studios available - YabbaDabbaDooo!
Let’s see what happens!
well, I might be jumpin’ the fence here a bit because that path is not yet ready. You have to join an open studio by clicking on view all and then Join from there.
The new version 2.4 is still in beta but looks like it will be released very soon.
This really is a dream come true! Open Studioooooooz!!!
and thanks @johndtomlinson2026 for joining me for a bit. It’s gonna be fun.
Hey Synthia
I’m having trouble getting output through my interface - worked fine this summer - could we have a session to troubleshoot?
Remind me which interface and operating system? What is it out putting to? Headphones or speakers. Bluetooth will be troublesome.
Macbook with Steinberg UR22i, always worked before head phones or speakers.
What output should you be hearing? Does that connection have input levels up?
Maybe the usb cable. Try a different one.
Do you have the JT studio volume slider up? If you disconnect the UR22i is there audio going to the built in outputs?
Did you already make sure the UR is selected in the JT interface?
Also in the mac audio midi setup make sure the ur22 is selected on the input and output tabs. The input will have a little microphone icon next to the active device. The output will have a speaker icon.
What basic troubleshooting have you done if any?
Also which version of the operating system? There is a usb driver for steinberg mac os11or later. Might need it or to reinstall it.
Hey, Synthia, got it going…!
| Synthia
October 18 |
- | - |
What output should you be hearing? Does that connection have input levels up?
Maybe the usb cable. Try a different one.
Do you have the JT studio volume slider up? If you disconnect the UR22i is there audio going to the built in outputs? YES
Did you already make sure the UR is selected in the JT interface? YES
Also in the mac audio midi setup make sure the ur22 is selected on the input and output tabs. The input will have a little microphone icon next to the active device. The output will have a speaker icon. YES -
Yay! What was it? Maybe just a reboot?
Yeah, maybe. Thanks for checking!