Since 2020, I have tried quite a few of these types of platforms (Jamkazam, Jamulus, etc.), and bought an JackTrip analog bridge as part of that early experimentation. Overall, a pretty difficult go of it with mostly poor results.
I have formed a woodwind quintet here in the LA area and thought I’d like to see what may have been improved since those early days. I have resurrected the JT bridge and am trying to see and hear how it’s working now.
The bridge is connected via ethernet to a high speed broadband service (Charter Spectrum). The interface is through the Macke 402VLZ4 (as shown in the documentation). I have registered the bridge and it shows as “connected” in the Audio Devices pane on my account.
I have a couple of Virtual Studios set up and I can enter either of them. The problem is that when I select “Devices” from the menu bar, it indicates “No devices connected”. When I start the studio, I get nothing through the headphones. Sound is going out, nothing coming back.
I am sure this is a user error, but I am now lost. Anybody have any ideas?