Working with Bridge devices

Hi all,
I was wanting to experiment with my Bridge devices (I still have about 5 of them), after not using them for about 1 year. I updated the software (flashed the cards and all) and the bridge lights up and appears to be in working order.
But jacktrip is not recognizing them.(I tried three of them.) These bridges I bought from someone who had a choir and she reassured me that she de-commissioned them after I purchased them. Still, When I go on, I get the error message that these bridges are still registered to a previous owner.
My questions;

  1. Can I get these de-commissioned through you folks?
  2. Will I experience less latency using this as opposed to the app?
  3. Should I just chalk up the expense and try to sell these?

Thank you

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Hi Pat. @miked can probably chime in here too but here are A few questions to get started:

Are they analog or digital Bridges?
Are they genuine Jacktrip branded units?

If these are genuine Jacktrip branded units did you want to start a help ticket on I would be happy to take a look at them with you. Please feel free to start a help ticket so that it can be assigned to the Jacktrip support team.

Also, let me take a moment to clarify Jacktrip-speak. Usually when Jacktrip uses the term ‘de-commission’ it is referring to stopping a particular Virtual Studio that is currently running.

If I understand you correctly, the previous owner assured you that the units were ‘unregistered’ from their respective accounts such that you could ‘register’ them to your account.

As for comparing the performance and usability between a Bridge and the desktop version of Jacktrip there are a number of variables to consider.

To name a few points:

  1. The desktop version works best with an external audio interface where a good mic and/or an instrument can be plugged in. The external audio interface hands off the audio to an Ethernet connected device running osx, windows, or linux and that device sends and receives the Jacktrip audio.

In the case of a Windows device, an ASIO driver is required in order to get low latency. The manufacturers of most external audio devices have ASIO USB drivers available on their website to download and install.

If Windows users want to use the computer’s built in sound system with the desktop version they still need ASIO drivers to get the lowest latency. The only one I know that works with Jacktrip is ASIO4ALL but it is tricky to configure and use. I have a pretty good handle on it and happy to help anyone wanting to use it but official Jacktrip support does not.

  1. The Analog Bridge is a standalone audio device with input and output ports that send and receive audio going in and out of those ports directly to and from the internet without a computer. When using a Bridge connected to the internet via ethernet, it can be controlled remotely with any device that can run Chrome.
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Hi Synthia,

Thank you for your reply. Let me answer your questions first.
These are analog bridges.
Some of these are Jacktrip branded. Others are the one I built which is the one I used mostly. Some I haven’t used at all.

Sorry for my vocabulary blunders. You understand correctly: the previous owner assured me that the units were ‘unregistered’ from their respective accounts such that I could ‘register’ them to my account.

I understand your points about comparing performance. I was just thinking that the the bridge might provide me with the lowest latency. But I am not sure about that. I haven’t used the bridge for about a year, moving over the the desktop app.

The information you have provided about the ASIO driver will apply to my friend in SF who has Windows machine. This is a different issue and I didn’t want to cause any confusion.

Thank you muchly!!

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Hi Pat,

We can help you “unregister” them regardless of whether they were purchased or built yourself. Just create a support ticket and send us the sequence of letters and numbers to the right of the “MAC” label for each one:

Bridge devices can be controlled via any modern web browser (not just Chrome), as well as a mobile app. In addition to not requiring a computer and having to deal with all the downloads of drivers etc. the analog bridges have built-in audio interfaces with extremely low latency, significantly less than most internal or external USB devices are capable of. And now that the chip market is starting to restabilize, you can build them yourself for under $100.


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Thank you, Mike. I will get all the numbers and create a ticket in the next few days.
I appreciate your help.