New Ways to Connect With Other Musicians

What’s New?

  • Find Other Musicians on JackTrip
  • Updated Public Pages for Studios
  • New Interface for My Studios
  • New Public Studio Sessions

Find Other Musicians on JackTrip

“How do I find other people to play with?”

It’s finally here! The next time you log into, you’ll see some exciting new ways to discover and connect with other musicians online.

Our new home page features the studios of musicians who are discoverable on JackTrip across various locations around the world. By default, we’ll attempt to display the ones that are closest to you. You can also browse any other locations where JackTrip is available.

As a reminder, a studio is discoverable if you have either posted public recordings, or if you are looking for new members or students. You can make your studios discoverable by updating the new Discoverability settings recently added to your studio dashboard.

Updated Public Pages for Studios

When you click a “Connect” button, you’ll be taken to the public page for the corresponding studio. These now highlight your location relative to the studio, and who its members are looking to connect with. You can learn more about them and watch or listen to any public recordings they have published.

Just click on the “Contact” button to initiate a private conversation with them. They may send you a link to join, ask to learn more about you, or let you know when they plan to do their next live stream.

New Interface for My Studios

Click “My Studios” at the top of our new home page to find all the studios you have created or joined. You’ll see a green circle around the image for any studios that currently have active sessions. From here, you can easily join a session or navigate to a studio’s dashboard.

New Public Studio Sessions

Have you ever wanted to see who is on JackTrip and ready to jam with you right now? We’ve added a new Security setting that allows you to open your studio sessions up to anyone in the JackTrip community.

By default, all studios are private. If you make them public, anyone can discover and join your sessions without you having to invite them.

When a public studio starts a new session, it will be highlighted for everyone to see on our new home page.

The “Connect” button will change to “Join Now!” and anyone who clicks on it can join your session instantly, without having to receive an invite link.

You can combine public studio sessions with public livestreaming to create an open mic experience. You may also want to create upcoming events to let people know in advance when you plan to do it.

We hope that you will love these new community building features as much as we have enjoyed building them! :gift_heart: :metal: :guitar:


Is it real? I’m verklempt…literally :face_holding_back_tears: I’ve been dreaming about this for years. Wow. Thank you all!


This is really great. And thank you for including my studio in the image above. :slight_smile:
I will keep you posted if I get more requests for students here.


very nice! thanks :sunglasses:

Would it be possible to add a function so that you could search by musical style?


good idea @paulhuang ! thanks and welcome in.

Hello, so far I have not seen “Join Now” in any of the studios when I have been online. Can I be configuring something wrong with my settings? Greetings Wolfgang

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It’s under “Settings” → “Security”. Click “Public” to make it available for anyone to join without an invite. Note that it will only be highlighted in the home page of if there is an active session, and it matches your search results (geographical location).

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Hi @wolfgangwolf – I think you want to join studios that others have founded, right? Mike has given you instructions on how to make a studio you own public so that it appears on the homepage and others can join you.

The browser knows your approximate location and automatically returns studios within the standard 250 mile range.

So if you’re not within 250 miles of a public studio, it won’t appear on the homepage.

But you can expand your search! In case you haven’t seen it yet: To search for studios that are further than 250 miles from you: Look above the top row of studios on the right side of the screen and click “Select a studio location filter.” the drop-down menu to show options.

You can even choose “All Studios”! So if there are public studios anywhere, they will be displayed on the homepage.

Let us know if you have any questions. Or message me and I’ll open a public studio for you to join so I can show you more about joining public studios or creating your own!

Hallo @wolfgangwolf – ich denke, du möchtest Studios beitreten, die andere gegründet haben, oder? Mike hat dir Anweisungen gegeben, wie du ein Studio, dessen Eigentümer du bist, öffentlich machen kannst, damit es auf der Startseite erscheint und andere dir beitreten können.

Der Browser kennt Ihren ungefähren Standort und gibt automatisch Studios innerhalb des Standardbereichs von 250 Meilen zurück.

Wenn Sie sich also nicht im Umkreis von 250 Meilen um ein öffentliches Studio befinden, wird es nicht auf der Startseite angezeigt.

Aber Sie können Ihre Suche erweitern! Falls Sie es noch nicht gesehen haben: Um nach Studios zu suchen, die weiter als 250 Meilen von Ihnen entfernt sind: Schauen Sie über der oberen Reihe der Studios auf der rechten Seite des Bildschirms nach „Wählen Sie einen Studiostandortfilter aus“ und klicken Sie auf das Dropdown-Menü, um Optionen anzuzeigen .

Sie können sogar „Alle Studios“ wählen! Wenn es also an irgendeinem Ort öffentliche Studios gibt, werden diese auf der Startseite angezeigt.

Lassen Sie es uns wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben. Oder schreiben Sie mir eine Nachricht und ich werde ein öffentliches Studio eröffnen, dem Sie beitreten können, damit ich Ihnen mehr darüber zeigen kann, wie Sie öffentlichen Studios beitreten oder Ihr eigenes erstellen können!

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@Synthia and @miked:
Thank you very much for your answers.
Yes I mean the possibility to join other studios.
Best regards.

Ok, great. As I mentioned previously, when you get on the website, on
the right side just above the top row of studios, there is a “Studio
Location Filter” where you can include studios that are farther than the
250 mile distance that shows by default for your approximate location.

I know you have posted here about your availability but how about also
posting some of the days and times you would be available in your timezone?

Perhaps that will encourage studio owners to open their studios to the
public more often if they know when players are available? Worth a try.

Thank you. That is one possibility. I’m happy to try it out. The only problem is that I’m not a professional musician, so it’s usually at short notice that I can make music. We’ll see and hear. :slight_smile:

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I just tried to enter a date for jamming in the “Upcoming Events” and the error message “Invalid time value” appears immediately!

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@wolfgangwolf any open time for you in the next few days? I would like to jam and also show you more about scheduling events here on the Forum.