New and Version 2.2

What’s New?

  • New Replaces JackTrip Radio
  • JackTrip App 2.2.0

The New

The next time you log in on, you will see a whole new website:

On the left, you’ll see a list of Studios that you recently joined. Just click on one to quickly join it again, or “View All” if you’d like to go to our old management interface.

On the right, we feature content from the service formerly known as JackTrip Radio. We’ve not only removed the “Beta” designator but also retired “Radio” altogether by integrating everything into

Over the past few years, JackTrip has evolved to become so much more than just transmitting audio over the Internet. JackTrip’s Studios now offer video collaboration, live-streaming with simulcast to other platforms like YouTube and Facebook Live, recording & playback including video and stem tracks, and much more.

A Studio makes it easy to create and share public, unlisted or private recordings, and our new website brings them front and center. Create new public broadcasts to share content with the entire JackTrip community, or post an upcoming event for your next performance. Both are now featured prominently on

If you’ve been looking for more people to play music with on JackTrip, try creating a Studio just for your public jam sessions. Add your Studio’s invite link to the description so that anyone can join in by just clicking on it. Start a public broadcast to have a session now or post an upcoming event to give more people time to plan for it. In the future we’ll be introducing more ways to find and connect with other artists on JackTrip.

JackTrip App 2.2.0

Today we also released version 2.2.0 of the JackTrip Desktop App, which features latency improvements and improved support for using different audio interfaces for input & output.


This is huge. Thank you all! Bringing JackTrip content and collaborations front and center is a great idea and merging it with the brand seems to pull it all together in a way that expresses what JackTrip is all about. And thanks for the tip on creating and sharing a Public Jam.


Fantastic!! A very appealing site. It has a great look and easier access.
Thanks for all this hard work!!

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Just gave 2.2.0 a test… this just gets better and better. Latency to Philadelphia was hovering around 25ms. Ran a test piping the broadcast signal into the room and honestly could not tell the difference from the live signal. Will be even better when I am able to get fiber in but this is now workable for jamming with friends.

Fantastic bringing it all together in one space.


Watching other peoples’ studios is really neat.

Is there a way to filter by music type? I’m mostly interested in acoustic jazz, and in particular, jazz manouche / gypsy jazz. Any way to see studios that broadcast that kind of content?

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It’s not currently possible to filter studios by music type, but we do plan to support for this in the future.

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