Virtual Camera Not Found

Thanks for your reply @rebholland. I appreciate you sharing the camera setup that is working for you.

I wonder if and how @imstudios can split the camera between the HDMI capture device (Startech UVCHDCAP) and JackTrip. Because OBS is getting the camera but then the camera is not making the trip from OBS to JackTrip.

Is there like a splitter or some other device that would do that?

I got it to work last night actually!

It took 2 computers and NDI Tools to accomplish. Here’s how I configured everything:

Desktop PC: Install NDI Tools β†’ Camera HDMI into capture device β†’ NVidia Broadcast to remove camera background β†’ Feed into VMix as a camera layer over top of any dynamic background β†’ Enable VMix virtual camera output to NDI.

Laptop PC: Open NDI Tools Virtual Webcam and select the NDI feed served from desktop PC over the internal network β†’ Jacktrip sees the NDI virtual camera!

Hope that helps someone in the future.


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Huzzah! What an accomplishment! Kudos. And thanks a million for sharing! Let us know if you have any updates.