Teaching instrumental and vocal music online with jacktrip

I am wondering how many of us are using JackTrip in our online teaching. I am a guitarist and have been using JackTrip since the pandemic. I teach classical guitar and other styles too. The sound of the acoustic guitar in particular is astoundingly good.

I would like to know if we might all get together and form a JackTrip Teachers page on Facebook, or something like that to exchange ideas.

We might also think about forming some kind of a JackTrip Online Music School, or a collective of some sort. Drop and note and let me know what you think.

Thanks, Pat B.


Capital ideas Pat! you are teaching jacktrip with every session - and I have seen your expertise develop over the hours spent. thank you Pat for your dedication to working with the protocols and procedures for a successful JackTrip session and online teaching.

what do I have in mind to share? A network music performance degree program. A platform agnostic attitude. Friends with latency.

**A ‘compendium’; in a brand agnostic and relevant format that stands the test of time. Are there some instructions somewhere? No? hahaha.

what got me here? I sing and improvise on synthesizers and noises. In the lifechanging year 2020, after 21 years of network music performance research and live local audience online concerts, I began teaching JackTrip in earnest, and providing troubleshooting, production and engineering to individuals, groups and choirs. In 2000, I attended the very first trans-atlantic music concert between USC Orchestra and musicians at McGill U in Montreal. Events of the AES: AES 109th Convention

so everyone please chime in: what got you here? what do you have in mind to share?


Thanks for chiming in, Synthia. You have been a tremendous help to me, as has everyone in this JackTrip world. Love your ideas…“Friends with latency” HA !!!
Maybe this will start some folks thinking.

Best, Pat


Friends with latency: a blue grass player said it’s just an echo although for jazz it may be an issue.

What got me here? Playing with local bands has become unfulfilling and fibre internet opens entirely new horizons. With the old slow internet online jamming was just a torture but better than nothing.

JackTrip online teaching would be wonderful, and believe me, I have tried to convince all my music teachers still active to embrace this technology.
There are several obstacles to this:

  1. teachers and students have no access to fast internet or are not comfortable with studio conditions
  2. they are happy with current one way formats like ZOOM, in particular for group teaching
  3. there are convenient work arounds such as teacher playing on Zoom while the students play in duo with their teacher, record themselves and make their recordings available to the teacher for feedback
  4. the distance may be too great: my jazz violin teacher gives group lessons from Valencia, Spain to students all over the world including China and New Zeeland as well as the Americas

The main advantages of JackTrip are superior audio and video quality and real-time interaction under the condition that the distance is not too great.