JackTrip Virtual Studio Update 9/16/2022

What’s New?

  • New JackTrip v1.6.4 software client includes volume meters and invite button
  • You can now “like” recordings on JackTrip Radio
  • Introduced invite codes to tighten studio security

JackTrip v1.6.4

A new version of the JackTrip software client has been released with some visual enhancements. Notably, you’ll find volume meters available on both input and output devices to help you monitor your activity :raised_hands:

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In addition, we’ve made it easier to share your studio with your group members from within the app:
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Like a Recording?

Recordings now feature views and likes. Make sure you tell your fans to :heartpulse: your content when you share your recording to get your music more attention!

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Invite Codes

In order to improve the security posture of studios, we’ve updated how “Invite” links work. These are the links shared amongst your group in order to add everyone as subscribers so they can view and join a private studio.

All existing invite links will still be valid, but going forward we recommend refreshing your invite passcode to prevent any unwelcome guests.

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