ASIO4ALL Tutorial Videos

At some point a few years ago, the open source project called, became obscured by spammy ads and a lack of support. Those JackTrippers who want to be able to use their built-in mic and speakers for JackTrip were flummoxed by the detritus on the website and confusing settings.

Well, as you might have heard, I have become somewhat of an expert with ASIO4ALL and have created some videos explaining the installation and operation of ASIO4ALL.

Now, if you have an external device that already has dedicated ASIO drivers, like the Scarlett by Focusrite, YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE ASIO4ALL.

Below are links to the videos on YouTube I created for use with the JackTrip desktop app in Virtual Studio mode or in Classic Mode.

Please let me know your questions, comments or concerns.

Thank you!

Quick Edit here: after installing and configuring ASIO4ALL, it would be advisable to reboot your computer to get the native Windows system lined up with ASIO4ALL.

UPDATE: ASIO4ALL with the LATEST WINDOWS/REALTEK sound system devices

> ASIO4ALL with earlier Win/Realtek sound system for use in Virtual Studio Mode

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Synthia, thank you for putting these together. Your concise, step by step instructions make the installation and setup quick and painless while cutting through all the junk.

John Dickey Jr.

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Thanks for the kudos John! I appreciate your acknowledgment and delighted that you found them useful.

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