Routing Audio in and out of JackTrip

One of the many advantages of the JackTrip Desktop app is that you can use it to route audio from any application on your computer, including DAWs like Audacity and Ableton or virtual guitar rigs like Amplitube.

JackTrip 2.5 introduced a new Audio Bridge VST3 plugin, which makes integration with many apps as simple as just dragging and dropping it into your tracks!

Some audio interfaces (like Universal Audio’s Apollo) include “virtual channels” that make it easy to route audio on your computer. Applications can send audio to a virtual channel, and other applications can receive the same audio by using the same virtual channel as inputs.

If your audio interface does not provide this feature, fret not! You can use one of these software apps instead to simulate them:


  1. Blackhole is free and widely used by Mac users.
  2. VB-Cable is donationware and available for both Mac and Windows. Depending on your needs you may also want to try out Banana, Potato and Matrix.
  3. Loopback from Rogue Amoeba provides a great user interface and more routing capabilities. Depending on your needs, you may also want to try out Audio Hijack.
  4. Omnibus from Audio Movers offers a very advanced routing matrix. Depending on your needs, you may also want to try out Inject.
  5. Dante Via from Audinate is another great choice if you are using other Dante gear on your network.


  1. VB-Cable is donationware and available for both Mac and Windows. Depending on your needs you may also want to try out Banana, Potato and Matrix.
  2. Dante Via from Audinate is another great choice if you are using other Dante gear on your network.


The Jack Audio Connection Kit is frequently used for routing audio on Linux. More modern Linux releases use Pipewire, which is also compatible with applications that support Jack. JackTrip provides a native “Audio Backend” for Jack, which you can switch to under Settings → Advanced.


Here are a few more detailed examples of routing audio with JackTrip:

Please let me know if you know of other tools that can be used to route audio for JackTrip!

Hi Mike,
I’m a newbie. iMac, Onyx Black Jack audio interface… created a studio, plugged my bass into my interface. It works, but the latency is way high. No lower than 45 - 50 ms. Sometimes as high as 200 - 300 ms. I don’t have a fiber connection. I am using the app. I’m in this for the long haul…lol…Any thoughts? Should i get a different, newer interface?
Much thanks…Jack

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Hi @jackwyles, the latency numbers reported by JackTrip are for your network connection only.

Are you plugged directly into your router via Ethernet? Wi-Fi will generate way too much latency to be usable and the numbers sound like a wireless connection to me.

you may find this article to be helpful: Will JackTrip Work for You?

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